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Funny Face’s “dare to wear challenge” for Japan

Alicia (Funny Face) ha organizzato sul suo blog un “dare to wear challenge”, una sfida in cui creare un look, con foto alle quali ispirarsi.
Possono partecipare, fino al 30 aprile, tutte le sue follower e lo scopo è quello di raccogliere fondi per beneficenza. Questo mese Alicia donerà, per ogni follower che parteciperà, 10 $ al Canadian Red Cross per aiutare il Giappone.
Il look da ricreare sarà, quindi, ispirato a questo meraviglioso paese. Nel suo blog troverete alcune foto utili(geisha look,Tsubasa Masuwaka, anime etc…)
Per maggiori info, potete visitare e guardate qui —>
P.s : Alicia ha anche organizzato il suo giveaway mensile
Un abbraccio e buona pasqua

Hi! Alicia (Funny Face) has organized on her blog a “dare to wear Challenge”, a challenge that consists of recreating a make up look.
All her followers can join the challenge (till april 30th) and it will help raise money for beneficence. This month Alicia will donate 10 $ to the Canadian Red Cross for Japan for each follwer who will do her make up look.
This look will be insipred by this wonderful country and on the blog you will find some helpful photos (geisha look, anime Tsubasa Masuwaka etc…)
For more infos, please read here and visit her blog —>
P.s : Alicia has also organized her monthly giveaway.
A big hug and happy easter

Valentina Chirico: a past as archaeologist, a present as editor between London and Bedfordshire. An expat born in Southern Italy from an expat family. She holds an MA in Egyptology from the University of Birmingham and contributed as a co-author and postgraduate ambassador to the UoB PG Recruitment Blog before fully embarking on online editing. She covers the role of Senior Writer and Language Specialist for a global marketing company. Besides archaeology and arts, this alumna loves travelling and shares an uncommon sense of humour. Online since 2009 with ValentinaChirico.com and later with ItalianMemories, Valentina is a storyteller and wants to inspire you a good laugh or to aim higher, to the stars.

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Italian Memories, Italian culture and lifestyle, semi-serious travel guide, Valentina Chirico