How-to & Tutorials,  Nail Care & Manicure

How to: fixing a broken nail (Come fare per riparare un’unghia rotta)

Let’s talk about one thing I really hate: broken nails. When it happens you must file all the other fingernails at the same length and this is so annoying.

If you accidentally broke one nail you can easily fix it with a super quick DIY tutorial I’ve found on youtube and I used: the tea bag method!

All you need is:

– an empty tea bag,
– scissors,
– a fortifying nail treatment (top coat or a clear nail polish).

This video made up by Imogen will show you how to apply tea bag stripes to your broken nails.

I had a very deep crack on my index nail and I rescued it with the tea bag method. Since the crack was so big I decided to put 2 layers of tea bag paper with the Avon Pearl Shine treatment on my fingernail and I folded one of them under the nail to fix it better.
I know, putting paper under the nail with the liquid treatment doesn’t sound or look very hygienic, you can skip it!
To remove the paper, just soak a cotton disk with polish remover and gently apply it on the nail till the paper comes off. In this way, you can remove the tea bag paper every time you see that it is damaged, then wash your hands and repeat the application process.I did it for almost 2 weeks and I saved my finger nail.

E’ incredibile, sono sopravvissuta ad un matrimonio con i tacchi alti… anche se i miei piedi sono ancora un pò gonfi e doloranti!
Oggi non parlerò di piedi, ma di una cosa che tutti odiano: unghie scheggiate o spezzate. La cosa più seccante e dover limare le altre unghie per renderle tutte della stessa lunghezza, non trovate?

Se accidentalmente rompete un’unghia, potete aggiustarla facilmente e velocemente con questo metodo fai da te.
Quello di cui avrete bisogno è:
– una bustina vuota di tè,
– forbicine,
– un trattamento fortificante per unghie (un top coat o uno smalto trasparente).

Questo video, girato da Imogen, vi mostrerà come applicare i pezzetti di bustina.
Avevo una spaccatura abbastanza profonda, così ho deciso di applicare due strati di carta con il trattamento fortificante perlato Avon (Pearl Shine) e ho ripiegato sotto l’unghia un’ estremità della carta che avanzava.
Lo so, applicare la carta e il trattamento sotto l’unghia non sembra molto igienico, potete evitarlo nel vostro caso.
Rimuovere la carta dalle unghie è molto semplice: bagnate un batuffolo o un dischetto di cotone con del solvente senza acetone e applicatelo delicatamente sull’unghia rotta, finché la carta si ammorbidirà e si staccherà.
In questo modo potete rimuovere la carta ogni volta che questa sembrerà troppo consumata o sollevata; lavate le mani e applicate un nuovo pezzo di bustina di tè.

Ho seguito questo tutorial per circa due settimane e ho salvato la mia unghia.


Valentina Chirico: a past as an archaeologist, a present as an editor between London and Bedfordshire. An expat born in Southern Italy from an expat family. She holds an MA in Egyptology from the University of Birmingham and contributed as a co-author and postgraduate ambassador to the UoB PG Recruitment Blog before fully embarking on online editing. Besides archaeology, beauty and arts, this alumna loves travelling and shares an uncommon sense of humour. Online since 2009 with and later with ItalianMemories, Valentina is a storyteller and wants to inspire you a good laugh or to aim higher, for the stars.


  • Amreen

    I cannot be more grateful for having stumbled upon this quick fix for the broken nail on your website. Since I started using gelish on my nails, they’ve gone so bad. They’re so brittle. but this tea bag solution is perfect. Tea bags, nail polish remover, these are things i have at home already. thanks for this easy fix.

    • ValentinaChirico

      Hello and thank you for your lovely comment!

      I’m so happy you found this tip helpful and much as I did.
      You’re in good company, my nails went through a terrible phase at the end of last winter and I wasn’t able to let them grow.
      I may suggest adding your choice of biotin supplement to your diet? It may help to strengthen your nail from within. I recently wrote about
      on my IG board too. 😉

      Thanks for coming and stay safe!

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