Tested by me (reviews & swatches)

Bilba, scented nail polish remover

Today the protagonist will be the nail polish remover I’m using at the moment: Bilba (Cadey) scented nail polish remover, strengthening and polishing.
I usually use mild remover without acetone, since my nails are very thin and fragile, but the price was so ridiculous (less than 1 euro) that I absolutely had to try it.
The bottle contains 125 ml of solvent with a very unique scent.
Although I can still notice the smell of acetone, the note of red fruits makes my remover very pleasant.

It quickly eliminates nail polish from nails and tools and it is very gentle on my nails.
The description promises that “nails are stronger and more elastic. They won’t break” and, indeed, the promise is kept.

My nails don’t break so easily, they don’t look dry and don’t cause me pain, but they aren’t shiny yet.
If you find it at your supermarket, don’t think twice!

I recommend it.

aceton, glycerin, tocopheryl acetate, parfum
Questo è il solvente che sto usando al momento: Bilba (Cadey) solvente per unghie profumato, rinforzante e lucidante.
Di solito uso solventi delicati e senza acetone, dato che le mie unghie sono estremamente sottili, ma questo ha un prezzo così ridicolo (meno di 1 euro) che ho dovuto assolutamente provarlo.
Il flacone contiene 125 ml di solvente dal un profumo davvero particolare.
Anche se posso ancora notare l’odore di acetone, le note di frutti rossi rende il solvente molto gradevole.
Elimina velocemente ogni traccia di smalto ed è molto delicato sulle unghie.
La descrizione promette che “le unghie risultano più resistenti ed elastiche. Non si spezzano” ed, effettivamente, la promessa è mantenuta.
Le mie unghie non si rompono più così facilmente, non si seccano e non mi provocano più dolore, ma non sono ancora molto lucide.
Se lo vedete al supermercato, non pensateci due volte!
Ve lo consiglio!


Valentina Chirico: a past as archaeologist, a present as editor between London and Bedfordshire. An expat born in Southern Italy from an expat family. She holds an MA in Egyptology from the University of Birmingham and contributed as a co-author and postgraduate ambassador to the UoB PG Recruitment Blog before fully embarking on online editing. She covers the role of Senior Writer and Language Specialist for a global marketing company. Besides archaeology and arts, this alumna loves travelling and shares an uncommon sense of humour. Online since 2009 with ValentinaChirico.com and later with ItalianMemories, Valentina is a storyteller and wants to inspire you a good laugh or to aim higher, to the stars.

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Italian Memories, Italian culture and lifestyle, semi-serious travel guide, Valentina Chirico