Tested by me (reviews & swatches),  Yay or Nay?

Amuchina hand sanitizing gel

It seems a real mania: killing any germs on our hands, making everything as sterile as possible.
I was really skeptical about these sacrosanct bactericide and disinfectant products: are they really necessary?
I often wonder: “do they leave residues on our hands or have they the characteristic odour of medicines?
If these products, real medical devices, eliminate most bacteria, won’t we run the risk of making them stronger in the future?
How is it possible that the new generations fall ill at the speed of light, while our grandparents, who certainly couldn’t make use of similar products, at our age were healthier than us?”
I’m probably just paranoid, these are assumptions of a sick mind like mine.
However, since I have to travel frequently, I’ve bought an Amuchina hand sanitizing gel at my sister’s suggestion.
It’s a very practical bottle, I carry in my bag, and contains 100 ml of product.
As the label indicates this sanitizer “is a gel specifically designed to thoroughly sanitize the skin of the hands. Its special formula, that you do not need to rinse off, contains agents with high antiseptic power“; “it is practical in every situation when you want to clean or sanitize your hands. Away from home when you do not have soap and water, at home before cooking or to eliminate unpleasant odours (eg garlic, onion, fish, cheese, etc..)“.

It’s a quite fluid gel, it has a very fresh scent that reminds me of lime or lemon, it dries very quickly, leaves my hands not sticky and, moreover, makes them very soft.
It helps eliminate food odours from my hands, but, in my opinion, it is absolutely necessary to wash your hands thoroughly and then use the gel to achieve a perfect result.
I carry it with me when I travel and I use it after taking public transportations, touching handrails or money (probably the dirtiest objects in the world), but I don’t think it can replace the traditional soap and water and can’t be used before entering in contact with foods that will be cooked or eaten raw.
Using it reassures me a lot, but I prefer, in all honesty, to use it only in case of emergency, when I’m away from home, because I’ve found that with high temperatures, humidity and dirt, this gel can leave your hands uncomfortably clammy.
Amuchina gel can be easily found in supermarkets, detergents shops and chemist’s shop (drugstore), the price can vary significantly.
I bought this gel for just 1 euro in a detergents and house related shop even if the label recommends a price of 3.99 € for 100 ml size.
The product is authentic and to explain the cheaper price I supposed that maybe it was on offer or was part of an old stock.

-dries quickly;
-leaves hands soft;
-pleasant odor;
-easy to use;
-not tested on animals;
-easy to find.

-not a substitute for soap;
-can leave your hands sticky.

Yes or no?
It’s a product I recommend just to those of you who travel and spend much time outside the home, but I suggest using it with great discretion.

What is your opinion about antibacterial products?
Do you use them regularly or do you prefer to avoid them?


Valentina Chirico: a past as archaeologist, a present as editor between London and Bedfordshire. An expat born in Southern Italy from an expat family. She holds an MA in Egyptology from the University of Birmingham and contributed as a co-author and postgraduate ambassador to the UoB PG Recruitment Blog before fully embarking on online editing. She covers the role of Senior Writer and Language Specialist for a global marketing company. Besides archaeology and arts, this alumna loves travelling and shares an uncommon sense of humour. Online since 2009 with ValentinaChirico.com and later with ItalianMemories, Valentina is a storyteller and wants to inspire you a good laugh or to aim higher, to the stars.

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Italian Memories, Italian culture and lifestyle, semi-serious travel guide, Valentina Chirico