Fashion & Accessories

Shop online for indie jewellery:

Independent jewellery has always that little bit extra that can make your look standing from the crowd. Where we can find these creations online? 
Today I’ll show you a good place for clients and creators:

Shopbevel is a site created by Courtney McColgan and has been launched last March. The idea came while Courtney was studying at the Standford School of Business, she decided to bring in the market the best jewellery pieces and give a little help to designers and some of her friends who tried to meet with success. This field, the independent market, is rich and big and getting the attention could be hard, you know! 
The designers featured in the shop come from 34 countries around the world and are both professionals and amateurs. 
All the products shown in the site follow the latest season trends and can easily match everyone’s personal taste: there you can find chic, casual, fun and colourful jewellery and items with an exotic and ethnic twist.
An example? Here are two products that have won the latest Challenges:

Glitter Emerald Earrings, winner of the Emerald City Challenge

Gold Elephant Studs by Jules Koppel – $25 

Gold Elephant Studs, winner of the Wild Thing Challenge

Courtney designed a place where creators can show their new designs, join competitions and sell their work. But how does Shopbevel work exactly?
Jewellery makers can submit their works to the Shopbevel Design Challenges and create their own account, then the projects are voted both by the creators’ networks (friends) and the whole Shopbevel  community and, at the end, the selected ones are produced and ready to be sold in the shop.

The chosen items aren’t simply the ones which got a high vote, there are other factors that influence Shopbevel’s choice such as the social media feedback, the unique characteristic of the products and their manufacturability (what can be easily produced by Shopbevel’s production facilities and be sold at a reasonable and right price). 
Consumers can pre-order the winning items and buy from the shop online, while Shopbevel will give the designer 15% royalties. 

 All items shop page

Preorder shop page

Shopbevel ships worldwide and if consumers aren’t happy with their purchase, they can return the item free! It seems a win-win situation! 
The navigation in the site is a charm and for each product there are an informative scheme and high quality zoomable images. 
Shopbevel is full of inspiration and inspired people, I haven’t bought there yet but I’m seriously thinking about it! 
My favourite items are the emerald earrings above and this cute Aztec necklace. Isn’t it lovely? 

Aztec Triangle necklace by H.Brewster

In my opinion, it could be a nice idea for all designers that have already a shop and have the right potential project that can get the chance to be featured! 
There’s also a nice news for my followers: a discount code!
With the code BBSTUDS you all can save 25% on your Shopbevelorder, this code is valid until the end of July. To more know about Shopbevel, you can follow it on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr and Instagram.


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Valentina Chirico: a past as an archaeologist, a present as an editor between London and Bedfordshire. An expat born in Southern Italy from an expat family. She holds an MA in Egyptology from the University of Birmingham and contributed as a co-author and postgraduate ambassador to the UoB PG Recruitment Blog before fully embarking on online editing. Besides archaeology, beauty and arts, this alumna loves travelling and shares an uncommon sense of humour. Online since 2009 with and later with ItalianMemories, Valentina is a storyteller and wants to inspire you a good laugh or to aim higher, for the stars.

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