Beauty News,  Magnetic Eyes (eye makeup)

Beauty Innovation: The Makeup Guard Card by OllieGirl, the multiuse make-up tool

If a simple invention can make our life a lot easier, this beauty tool will become every girl’s best friend: it’s The Makeup Guard Card, a patent pending product created by OllieGirl.
It isn’t a hyper technological device, but a little “pochette friendly” gadget I’ve found while browsing on the net.

The Makeup Guard Card is a coloured latex free plastic trapeze, made out of a recyclable plastic blend (TPE-Styrene) it’s resistant to flexures, heat and chemical agents, and can be used to apply eyeshadows, mascara and eyeliner with precision.

Residues of eyeshadow and mascara stains will be just a bad memory: if it’s put below the eye, The Makeup Guard Card will collect all the fall-outs; while, positioned between the eyelashes and the eyelids, it allows you to apply your mascara without smudging.
And the eyeliner?
This handy helper has rounded corners so it can be safely placed near this delicate area and fit any eye shape, while it has a “ruler” on both ends. This little trick will help you to literally draw a perfect wing.
The Makeup Guard Card measures 2 X 4 inches, can be washed with soap and water and, most of all, it’s affordable!

It can be purchased online at or through the retailers listed on the website, and it’s available in a set of two pieces (yellow and pink) at $ 8.95.
Why two pieces? In the end, it’s not a bad idea: we can give one to a friend or sister or well, we can never know when or where we will need it!


Valentina Chirico: a past as an archaeologist, a present as an editor between London and Bedfordshire. An expat born in Southern Italy from an expat family. She holds an MA in Egyptology from the University of Birmingham and contributed as a co-author and postgraduate ambassador to the UoB PG Recruitment Blog before fully embarking on online editing. Besides archaeology, beauty and arts, this alumna loves travelling and shares an uncommon sense of humour. Online since 2009 with and later with ItalianMemories, Valentina is a storyteller and wants to inspire you a good laugh or to aim higher, for the stars.

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