Talking Lips (lip products),  Tested by me (reviews & swatches)

News: Maybelline’s new Baby Lips electro, review and swatches

Six Baby Lips weren’t enough, so Maybelline has launched other six, brand new lip balms: Baby Lips electro. 
These iconic lip balms have dressed up, but what makes them more particular than the classic Baby Lips we’ve already seen, known and seen again?
One thing: colour!

The shape is the same; the formula, with vitamins, shea butter, honey and Centella asiatica, is the same; the “personality” and the effect are entirely new!

The Baby Lips electro hide the energy and the joy of summer in their dark and “rock” package, while giving moisture and splashes of colour to the lips. 
The tube is the element that one will notice first, it’s black with neon details and that’s a hint of what’s inside: more colour. 

Among these new Baby Lips, four are coloured and two are clear, everyone has a different fruity scent.  The transparent Baby Lips electro are Fierce N Tangy (lemon-scented) and Minty Sheer (minty and fresh); while the coloured ones are Strike A Rose (apricot-scented), Pink Shock (watermelon-scented), Berry Bomb, a tutti frutti bomb, and Oh! Orange! (obviously, orange-scented). 
These scents are very fresh and summery, inviting and not overwhelming. 
My nose is extremely happy that these new fragrances are different and varied than the classic Baby Lips ones; Mint Fresh, that reminds of menthol chewing gums, is different from the new Minty Sheer; Fierce N Tangy is close to the lime scent of Hydrate, but it’s actually … a whole different fruit! 
My favorites are Berry Bomb, which according to my sense of smell has a berries fragrance, Strike A Rose and Pink Shock
I’ve said colour is a distinctive feature of these lip balms, now I’ll reveal you how… 
the Baby Lips electro aren’t shiny and translucent as one would expect from a lip balm, but leave a veil of colour already at the first coat and, if applied liberally, they can leave a tint that can last a couple of hours (without drinking or eating). 
Strike A Rose gives a hint of pink, quite vivid but natural; Oh! Orange! leaves a slight touch of orange; Berry Bomb releases a very cold and bluish shade of violet; while Pink Shock tinged my lips fuchsia.
The moisturizing effect lasts 4-5 hours on my lips; the texture isn’t sticky and I found it lighter; the finish isn’t extremely wet or glossy.

the hues are vibrant; 
all Baby Lips electro have a non-sticky formula; 
the texture is lighter and less “glossy”; 
fragrances are sweet, not cloying; 
they’re easy to find; 
they leave lips soft; 
particular package

no SPF; 
hydration is medium 

The Baby Lips electro are six in total and are already on sale in US and UK. 
This news intrigued me a bit and I was very satisfied!
I’m using Pink Shock and Strike A Rose a lot, these two lip balms are the ones struck me the most and that I recommend. 
What do you think about the Baby Lips electro? Have you tried one of this new range?


Products sent for review

Valentina Chirico: a past as an archaeologist, a present as an editor between London and Bedfordshire. An expat born in Southern Italy from an expat family. She holds an MA in Egyptology from the University of Birmingham and contributed as a co-author and postgraduate ambassador to the UoB PG Recruitment Blog before fully embarking on online editing. Besides archaeology, beauty and arts, this alumna loves travelling and shares an uncommon sense of humour. Online since 2009 with and later with ItalianMemories, Valentina is a storyteller and wants to inspire you a good laugh or to aim higher, for the stars.

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