Bath & Body Care

#LushChristmas2016: Lush Cosmetics bath and body products in limited edition (Snowcastle, Snowman, The Christmas Penguin and Sleepy review)

Winter, festive air and polar cold: this is the ideal moment to pamper ourselves with a warm and fragrant shower. I’m doing it with Lush Cosmetics with its Christmas 2016 limited edition bath and body products. All naturally and in a very fun and vegan way.
I’m extremely happy because this year I’ve found again my all time favourite bath product: Snowcake soap, now back with a new name: Snowcastle!
#LushChristmas2016: Lush Cosmetics bath and body products in limited edition Snowcastle, Snowman, The Christmas Penguin and Sleepy review
If you find the typical Christmas air too spicy and oriental, you can enjoy a sigh of relief with some of the newest launches by Lush Cosmetics for Christmas 2016. One can breathe a much more energising or relaxed atmosphere with the aid of Snowcastle solid soap, Snowman shower jelly, The Christmas Penguin bubble bar and Sleepy body lotion.
A very welcome return, 2.0 updated: Snowcastle is the old but good Snowcake, a solid soap made with coconut oil, almond oil and a spritz of Damascus rose water.
Its scent is delicate and delicious, I dare “caressing”; it gently cleanses the skin and leaves it soft and smooth!
It’s my favourite Lush Cosmetics solid soap because it doesn’t “steal” skin’ natural moisture like other Lush soaps. The 2016 version doesn’t include golden sparkles. Not a great loss for sure, but it’s just a pity for our eyes and pleasure…
#LushChristmas2016: Snowcastle limited edition solid soap review

shower jelly is a “plastic” soap shaped like a chubby snowman
. It fits the palm of my hand and its rounded and almost ergonomic shape makes it relatively easy to handle, despite it keeps slipping and falling. It easily breaks.

My advice: rub it slowly onto a body net until it foams. Snowman’s aroma is citrusy and fresh, it awakens my senses thanks to round leaf buchu, bergamot and lemon essences. Its formula contains carrageenan (from algae) which contributes to leaving the skin supple and smooth. I noticed that its scent is gentle on the skin but remains active for hours and hours after the shower.
#LushChristmas2016: Snowman, limited edition shower jelly review#LushChristmas2016: Snowman, limited edition shower jelly review
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The Christmas Penguin is a bubble bar with a funny shape. Each penguin, inspired by little Australian penguins, is handmade, thus each one is unique.
My little buddy couldn’t whisper words of love because it lost its beak, but he left me his sweet scent.It has a citrus but sugary note; once crumbles into the bathtub, it creates a white candid foam and tinged the water crystal blue.
His cheerful fragrance comes from seasonal citruses: oranges (flowers), mandarins from Sicily and lemons.
After the bath, adding hydration with a body cream is the key to long-lasting moisture. Among Lush Christmas 2016 bath and body products, there’s also a new entry: Sleepy.

#LushChristmas2016: The Christmas Penguin limited edition bubble bar reviewThe Christmas Penguin and I, Valentina Chirico

is a purple body lotion with lavender infuse, jojoba oil, cocoa and illipe
. From the jar, the scent of lavender seems overcome by cocoa butter sweetness but, once applied and rubbed onto the skin, lavender kindly predominates. Its floral note isn’t strong but gentle and relaxing. Sleepy leaves the skin smooth, but it requires more application during the day.
I dislike the lavender scent, I find it too strong for my taste but Sleepy is quite pleasant. I recommend using Sleepy as a hand cream right before going to sleep!
#LushChristmas2016: Lush Cosmetics Sleepy limited edition body lotion review
If you like these Christmas limited edition Lush Cosmetics products, you can find more about them and buy them in any Lush shop or online at your local site (prices vary). 

Have you already tried or been given a Lush Cosmetics product this Christmas?
If your answer is no, I recommend, for ease of use and great results, Snowcastle solid soap, even as a simple hand soap, and Sleepy body lotion for many holidays and happy nights.

Valentina Chirico aka Valens

Valentina Chirico: a past as an archaeologist, a present as an editor between London and Bedfordshire. An expat born in Southern Italy from an expat family. She holds an MA in Egyptology from the University of Birmingham and contributed as a co-author and postgraduate ambassador to the UoB PG Recruitment Blog before fully embarking on online editing. Besides archaeology, beauty and arts, this alumna loves travelling and shares an uncommon sense of humour. Online since 2009 with and later with ItalianMemories, Valentina is a storyteller and wants to inspire you a good laugh or to aim higher, for the stars.

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