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Mini guide: 5 Christmas gifts for archaeologists

Tic tac, Christmas is here and Santa is coming to town! That means it’s time to prepare your latest packages: today there are 5 gifts for archaeologists and aspiring archaeo-buddies, of all ages and sexes.

If you count some archaeologists among your friends or someone loving or studying the subject, you don’t have to worry about!
Useful, useless or pleasureful things for them, I have selected 5 ideas for special Christmas gifts for friends and colleagues.
For the meticulous and the practical ones, the ironic and the vain girl, there’s the perfect Christmas present.

A latte, please, but how much coffee? The Munsell mug is the official breakfast mug for archaeologists: this special mug with the Munsell system allows to analyse the colour of your friends’ cappuccino, thus making him/her able to understand if there’s enough coffee to start the day with the right energy level!

Is drinking beer allowed at the field camp? I can’t swear it, but in these cases, it’s a brilliant idea to bring along with work tools this trowel-shaped bottle opener by Archaeosoup.

5 Christmas gifts for archaeologists. Gifts ideas

Each and every archaeologist has its own trowel and they can’t live without each other: the practical guy or girl will love a brand new roller tool case.
The smart ideafill the roller tool with pencils, chocolates and candy canes!

Female archaeologists are always flawless outside the field and love fashion just like every woman. An accessory has to tell a story in order to attract her attention: JezebelCharms jewels does it, literally with excerpts from Homer’s “Iliad”, the “Book of the Dead and strings from the “Rosetta Stone.

Outside or inside the laboratory the mid-morning break is done with coffee and cookies: colleagues will rejoice at the sight of biscuits shaped like a flint or arrowheads. Just get the exact cookie cutter for cake design!

Christmas gifts for archaeologists. Playmobil and educational games for children

I often suggest choosing some educational games to teach children and show them how learning can be fun and that archaeology isn’t about searching for golden treasures and rushing into a dangerous jungle.
Mosaics, dig up kits, Playmobil sets are easy to find around the globe…
Christmas gifts for archaeologists. Do it Yourself Cuneiform message

Encrypted messages? No! Love messages and seasonal wishes can be engraved on clay tablets, perhaps in Akkadian; a tweet can be impressed onto a disc in cuneiform alphabet with Dumbcuneiform!
I created a greeting message with some coloured clay and a chopstick during the Archaeology’s Dirty Little Secrets, a MOOC offered by the Brown University you can check in my twitter photos. It’s really easy!
These little tablets can be customised as you like and can become home or Christmas tree decors with a red ribbon.
These 5 Christmas gift ideas won’t just be appreciated by archaeologists, but used and eaten (enjoyed) together! Christmas is sharing love and also some archaeological cookies!

Valentina Chirico aka Valens

Valentina Chirico: a past as an archaeologist, a present as an editor between London and Bedfordshire. An expat born in Southern Italy from an expat family. She holds an MA in Egyptology from the University of Birmingham and contributed as a co-author and postgraduate ambassador to the UoB PG Recruitment Blog before fully embarking on online editing. Besides archaeology, beauty and arts, this alumna loves travelling and shares an uncommon sense of humour. Online since 2009 with and later with ItalianMemories, Valentina is a storyteller and wants to inspire you a good laugh or to aim higher, for the stars.

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