anti-Valentine's day nail art by Valentina Chirico Tutorial 15 February singles' ay
How-to & Tutorials,  Nail Care & Manicure

Anti-Valentine’s day manicure. A goth nail art with step-by-step tutorial

If the starts are badly aligned and you’re alone, I have an ‘anti-Valentine’s day’ nail art for you. I loved the idea of a gothic manicure; when I finally did it, it turns out a wearable idea for all those people hating pink and sweet stuff.

Anti-Valentine's day manicure by Valentina Chirico

On a boring spare afternoon, I created this manicure with a step-by-step tutorial for all those broken-hearted people.

A black base and some bloody red heart glitters… anger and a pair of scissors to break some hearts and mend yours. Want to recreate this nail art yourself? Good! Here are all the tools and nail polishes you need and my ready-to-pin photo tutorial!

‘Anti-Valentine’s day’ nail art: manicure tools and nail polishes

  • protective base coat
  • black crème nail polish
  • heart-shaped glitters
  • cutter + cutting mat or scissors + tweezers
  • nail art wax pencil
  • glossy top coat

Anti-Valentine's day manicure with broken heart glitters by Valentina ChiricoAnti-Valentine's day manicure with broken heart glitters by Valentina Chirico

‘Anti-Valentine’s day’ nail art: step-by-step

  1. File your nails, hydrate and push back your cuticles.
  2.  Apply one coat of your protective, anti-stain base coat. I used Avon True Colour Nail Expert Pearl Shine fortifying treatment – in Sheer Love.
  3. Apply two coats of your black crème nail polish, wait for each coat to be completely dry. I used Yamamay beauty #24 black nail polish.
  4. Cut in half a dozen of heart-shaped glitters with a cutter over a cutting mat or with a pair of scissors and the help of your tweezers.
    Since I moved house, I brought with me just minimal equipment, so I used my… pocket Swiss Army knife! It’s such a brilliant and small tool. Just a reminder I’m an archaeologist before a girl!
  5. Apply one coat of clear nail polish and – while it’s still fresh – carefully put in place your ‘broken hearts’ glitters, at the centre of your nails in two lines but a bit offset. Use a nail art wax pencil. I used essence the nail gel polish 01 absolute pure and essence eyebrow fixing pencil. Again, I’m an archaeologist, therefore I’m a very practical person.
  6. When everything is nicely dry, seal your work with two coats of your favourite glossy top coat to smooth, protect and give shine to your manicure. Once again, I used again essence the gel nail polish 01 absolute pure.

Voilà, you’re done! Ready to save and pin my tutorial?

There’s an optional 8th step, but I would recommend it in any case: apply brightening hand cream. This gothic nail art is already stunning, and it looks explosive, over a bright and clear complexion (read milky-white goth). I massaged Helan Muschio Bianco crema mani luminosa, a white musk brightening hand cream, which instantly brightens and minimises blemishes and redness.
Anti-Valentine's day manicure, pinnable step-by-step tutorial by Valentina ChiricoAnti-Valentine's day manicure, gothic nail art idea with broken heart glitters by Valentina Chirico

Cutting those glitters is the longest process in this nail art by far, but it feels like a liberation (if you hate someone). This ‘anti-Valentine’s daynail art makes people talk about you, my lonely hearts!

Valentina Chirico aka Valens


Valentina Chirico: a past as an archaeologist, a present as an editor between London and Bedfordshire. An expat born in Southern Italy from an expat family. She holds an MA in Egyptology from the University of Birmingham and contributed as a co-author and postgraduate ambassador to the UoB PG Recruitment Blog before fully embarking on online editing. Besides archaeology, beauty and arts, this alumna loves travelling and shares an uncommon sense of humour. Online since 2009 with and later with ItalianMemories, Valentina is a storyteller and wants to inspire you a good laugh or to aim higher, for the stars.

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