Why you don't need heels to be stylish
Fashion & Accessories

Why You Don’t Have to Wear Heels to be Stylish


Women wear heels on big occasions or to look apart: this is one of the old-fashioned rules and stereotypes that just weren’t broken. The truth is you don’t have to wear heels at all costs.

Girl wearing Doc Martens


Heels can look hyper-feminine and elegant, yet they can be uncomfortable on long days. Rejoice, you can skip them and still look great.

If women wanted to look stylish, the stereotype was that heels had to be the go-to choice with their dresses or even co-ords. However, the rules are much more flexible and fluid these days, and if a woman would rather not wear heels, that’s no longer such a fashion faux pas. There are many ways that you can still look stylish even without heels, so read on to find out what they are. 


One thing that a lot of people will say about heels is that they’re horribly uncomfortable, and although it’s true that some women can happily walk around in heels without being in pain or finding movement difficult if you find them unpleasant to wear, you’re never going to look stylish when you have them on. It won’t matter how lovely the shoes are to look at; if you’re hobbling about, style goes out the window. 

It’s much more stylish to be comfortable because you’ll not only look more put together when you’re not grimacing in pain, but you’ll also look – and feel – a lot more confident. Confidence shines through and turns any outfit into a great one, so being comfortable has to be a priority. 

So Much Choice

Gone are the days when heels were the only choice women had to complete an outfit, and today there are so many choices that you’re sure to find something you love that can replace heels. 

You might opt for sneakers – although make sure they’re clean and not the ones you potter about the backyard in or run in – for example, or boots, which are ideal in the winter weather. In Summer, sandals are a fantastic choice, and you can wear them with anything from floaty dresses to jeans. As long as they’re comfortable and look good, you can choose anything, and heels don’t have to feature at all. 

Do you need heels to be stylish?



One of the great things about any kind of shoe that isn’t a heel is that it’s so versatile. You can wear your sneakers to work and then head out in town for some fun without having to get changed or even think about bringing another pair of shoes with you, for example. 

This can make getting ready a lot easier, and it might even mean that you’re happier to say yes to invitations when they’re extended. Plus, don’t forget that when you have the right shoes, you can be spontaneous, and if you feel like heading out after work, nothing is stopping you. 

Your Beauty Style 

Everyone’s definition of beauty is going to be different and unique, so why should you have to conform to what the magazines and influencers tell you to do if you don’t find that item of clothing or make-up – or shoes, in this case – appealing?  

The fact is you don’t have to, and instead, you can do what you want and what you feel is beautiful. If that happens to be avoiding heels as much as possible and opting for any other kind of shoe, then so be it. Comfort and confidence come first.

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edited by Valentina Chirico aka Valens

Image credit
Ph. Dương Nhân via Pexels 
Ph. cottonbro studio via Pexels 
Ph. Apostolos Vamvouras via Pexels
Ph. Darina Belonogova via Pexles 

Valentina Chirico: a past as an archaeologist, a present as an editor between London and Bedfordshire. An expat born in Southern Italy from an expat family. She holds an MA in Egyptology from the University of Birmingham and contributed as a co-author and postgraduate ambassador to the UoB PG Recruitment Blog before fully embarking on online editing. Besides archaeology, beauty and arts, this alumna loves travelling and shares an uncommon sense of humour. Online since 2009 with and later with ItalianMemories, Valentina is a storyteller and wants to inspire you a good laugh or to aim higher, for the stars.

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