Top Three Design Focuses for Your Best Dressing Room
Design & Lifestyle

Top 3 Design Focuses for Your Best Dressing Room


Who hasn’t dreamt of an instagrammable walk-in wardrobe at least once? Sometimes the problem is the space, but even a small corner can work well with the right tips.

Design tips for small and functional walk-in wardrobe


If you have even a small spare space at home, then you’ve hit the beauty jackpot – a dressing room could soon be yours with these three design focus tips.

We’re not all lucky enough to have a dressing room in our homes. Some of us don’t even have anywhere better than the edges of our beds to perch during makeup application! But a simple unused corner of your bedroom can become a real dressing room.

Why is Dressing Room Design Hard?

The trouble is that many of us have no idea how to design a dressing room that looks great and functions as it should. In fact, dressing rooms aren’t exactly a staple of contemporary living and flat plans often don’t include appropriate space to accommodate one. If that’s the case, these top three design focuses will turn any small corner in a functional mini walk-in wardrobe.


Focus #1: Get the Light Right

Few things are more important to dressing room success than lighting. Get this wrong, and you could find that even your own dressing room is no match for bedside make-up application. The main thing to remember here is that you need full-room visibility. Pendant lights and mirrors with backing lighting can be a huge help in this quest, but nothing will prove as effective as natural lighting.

During the design process, introduce natural light into this space however you can, whether that’s through large windows or skylights that serve to brighten everything. Incorporating floor-length mirrors can also be a huge help, providing you with somewhere to see your outfits, and ensuring that any natural light is easily reflected into the room.

Storage tips for a small dressing room


Focus #2: Use Versatile Storage

You want a clutter-free, calming dressing room to achieve the right get-ready headspace. Still, you likely have a lot to keep here, including make-up collections and your entire wardrobe. It’s easy for those collections to spiral out of control and start taking over every available surface unless you focus on incorporating versatile dressing room storage.

Enclosed wardrobes and dressing tables play a key role here, but storage additions like island units can also prove effective. As well as providing you with somewhere extra to sit, a cushioned island unit is a great overflow space for all those beauty extras that just don’t seem to belong anywhere else. 

How to use your space on your dresing table


Focus #3: Make the Most of Every Area

Even if you have somewhere in mind for a dressing room, the chances are that it’s a pretty small space within your home. As such, you’ll want to make the most of every possible area. Storage is a great place to start, but it’s also worth considering other options.

Inbuilt dressing tables are effective if you have an alcove that’s large enough. Equally, incorporating a small desk ledge between your wardrobes could be enough to provide you with a get-ready space. Think, too, about using things like desktop jewellery holders or on-wall units which ensures you get use of every inch of even a small dressing area. 


Dress to impress in a dressing room that benefits from each of these design focuses.

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Image credits:
Ph. Luis Cash via Unsplash
Ph. Liza Summer via Pexels
Ph. Mahrous Houses via Unsplash
Ph. Cottonbro via Pexels

Valentina Chirico: a past as archaeologist, a present as editor between London and Bedfordshire. An expat born in Southern Italy from an expat family. She holds an MA in Egyptology from the University of Birmingham and contributed as a co-author and postgraduate ambassador to the UoB PG Recruitment Blog before fully embarking on online editing. She covers the role of Senior Writer and Language Specialist for a global marketing company. Besides archaeology and arts, this alumna loves travelling and shares an uncommon sense of humour. Online since 2009 with and later with ItalianMemories, Valentina is a storyteller and wants to inspire you a good laugh or to aim higher, to the stars.

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Italian Memories, Italian culture and lifestyle, semi-serious travel guide, Valentina Chirico