This website is written by Valentina Chirico. This is obvious but who is she? Who am I? No time for philosophical questions, that’s enough talk.
Valentina Chirico is an expat web editor and digital creator born in Italy. She’s somewhere between in Bedfordshire.
How the Blogging Happened
Valentina has been online since 2009 under the pseudonym of Valens. It was October 2009 when she launched her first beauty blog, ‘Valens… per voi’. The ‘00s was the time of personal blogging, so she created her own space to support her career as a beauty sales advisor. That adventure started in 2007 and lasted a decade.
Over a coffee with her area manager, Valentina was sporting a Miró-inspired nail art which earned her a new and exciting opportunity. In 2016, Valentina was in charge of the local beauty workshops for her company. Meanwhile, she started to write for established websites, first as a co-author for the luxury e-zine Alpi Fashion Magazine. Later that year, she joined the editorial team of Fabulousity. as a green beauty blogger and Twitter manager.
How Expat Life Happened
2016 was a year of great achievements. She was awarded a BA in Archaeology and History of Arts from the University of Naples ‘Federico II’, then life got rather boring.
In 2017 – after a short stay in a tiny sea village – she moved abroad to study Egyptology at the University of Birmingham. She was living in student accommodation when she started a new blog on an inspired whim late at night: Italian Memories.
In 2018, she stepped into fashion ghostwriting, and she fully endorsed her academic affiliation with the UoB as she wrote for the University of Birmingham PG Recruitment Blog.
In December 2019, she got an MA in Egyptology with her research on the representation and meaning of the so-called ‘seven sacred oils’ in Egyptian funerary beliefs.
Let’s skip the pandemically shaking years and let’s teleport us to Spring 2021 when she got her big role as editor-in-chief for the British fashion event company FashionsFinest: from Vallo to attending the London Fashion Week… life has been a bubbly sip.
2022-2024 – while down in London, there was a new start and a complete transformation. SEO and marketing copywriting took her days as she entered the StickyEyes/Reprise/IPG Mediabrand sphere.
Valentina Chirico is passionate about foreign languages like Korean, travelling, ancient cultures, storytelling, and Egyptology. She combines some of these interests into her writings and enjoys video making/editing, especially when she can’t sleep at night.
Although she loved her time in Bham working in a theatre and occasionally as an extra in the city’s surroundings, she’s ready for the next big adventure!