Jewellery crafter by Kyle Frederick

Handmade Directory

The ‘Indie Directoryis the complete list of independent fashion designers (the indies) and handmade boutiques supported and interviewed exclusively for If – like me – you like your pieces of jewellery to be unique and with a story behind them or your clothes being sewn just for you, you’re in the right place. These Indies have inspiring stories and their ateliers are scattered all over the globe…

Start your research from this page: click a banner to visit an e-shop or click the caption to read the interview. This is your independent journey‘s first step!

Almagesto logo of night landscape background.
Almagesto (astronomical prints made in Italy)
Read the article here
Bean Bead Craft logo.
BeanBeadCraft by Emma Poore (handmade Miyuki bead jewellery)
Interview with Emma Winston (Emma Winston New York: floating earrings)
Handmade quilts by Cathie
In loving memory of Cathie founder of Gingko Tree Quilts, handcrafted quilts


Julie Nicaisse logo on a balck background.
Interview with Julie Nicaisse (Julie Nicaisse Jewellery: precious eco-friendly jewellery)


Ink & Lace logo.
Interview with Lorena Balea-Raitz (Ink & Lace: traditional Romanian lace point wearable jewellery and fashion prints)


Invaerso sustainable architectural jewellery made in Italy
Interview with Maria Clelia Scuteri (Invaerso [formerly ReuseDesign], upcycled industrial jewellery made in Italy)


Kamidò logo.
Interview with Martina Sacchini (KAMIDO’: wooden jewellery)


Kimono Design logo on red bfabric background.
Kimono Design: handmade Japan-inspired jewellery with Japanese washi paper by Anellina Chirico


LaOohLaLa Boutique logo with on vintage-inspire background.
LaOohLaLa Boutique: vintage memorabilia and fashion prints by Mary Lynn, Jessica, Andrea, and Sharee


La Petite Alma Belle logo.
Interview with Chen Giladi-Sagiv (La Petite Alma Belle: accessories for children)


LION Studio logo on white background.
Interview with Lei Sihan (Lion Studio: zen-inspired  jewellery)


Republic of Pigtails logo on white background.
Interview with Rika Gunawan (Republic Of Pigtails: handmade hair accessories and millinery)


Sara Cammarosano jewellery logo on white background.
Interview with Sara Cammarosano (Sara Cammarosano Jewellery Designer: precious jewellery and art restoration made in Cilento, Italy. Find her creations on her Etsy shop, Instagram and Facebook)


Sylca Design logo on taupe background.
Interview with Sylvia and Camila Echavarria (Sylca Designs: eco-friendly accessories and wooden jewellery)


SunWitchJewellery logo and banner.
Interview with Anastasija Koneva (SunWitchJewellery: handmade everyday witchy jewellery)


Transparent Sculptural Jewelry logo on stone texture background.
Overview of Marta Roura Castellò‘s works (Transparent Sculptural Jewellery: archaeology-inspired precious jewellery)


Urban Raven logo on white background.
Interview with Shiran Tal Soffrin (Urban Raven: upcycled precious jewellery)

More to come…

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