Women wear heels on big occasions or to look apart: this is one of the old-fashioned rules and stereotypes that just weren’t broken. The truth is you don’t have to wear heels at all costs. Heels can look hyper-feminine and elegant, yet they can be uncomfortable on long days. Rejoice, you can skip them and still look great. If women wanted to look stylish, the stereotype was that heels had to be the go-to choice with their dresses or even co-ords. However, the rules are much more flexible and fluid these days, and if a woman would rather not wear heels, that’s no longer such a fashion faux…
The Allure of Lolita Fashion: Lolita Dresses, History and Styles
Lolita fashion echoes and reproposes European eras from Japan. Not a trend but a whole subculture with many nuances in showers of tulle and ruches.
Indie Creations: Sara Cammarosano, Keeper of the Goldsmith Art
Proud ones are Cilentan people! Sara Cammarosano, after years of studies and apprenticeships away, is back home to save the past with her jewels.
Workout outfit ideas and inspo for your back to the gym
Is your sportswear wardrobe ready for the great back to the gym? Explore these 5 workout outfit ideas to be ready to exercise in public.
ISAWITFIRST Launches BadHero, Islanders’ Fave Sunglasses
BadHero is the newest sunglasses brand launched by ISAWITFIRST embracing quality and affordable styles loved by the islanders and not only...