Proud ones are Cilentan people! Sara Cammarosano, after years of studies and apprenticeships away, is back home to save the past with her jewels.
BeanBeadCraft: jewels and sherds of lights
For some, threading beads is a fun hobby, for Emma a wonderful escape. BeadBeanCraft jewellery filled her days, to start with...
Nanostyle: 24K Micro-Inscribed Jewellery, Big Surprises
Sometimes you can't find the right words to describe what you feel. NanoStyle conveys it with an innovative necklace that says I love you...
Almagesto, Your Universe in a Print and Made in Italy
The skies have been the house of gods and ancestors; the keeper of secrets and our future. In Egypt, the sky is the goddess Nut covered in golden stars, today the sky is a beautiful muse inspiring unique design prints, the 'Almagesto' made in Italy…
May This Evil Eye Protect You: Wolf & Gypsy Sustainable Jewellery
In many cultures, talismans are a powerful tool to ward off evil. Of that heritage, Wolf & Gypsy keeps that particular mix of nomadic, exotic, and mysticism.