Multimasking is a skincare practice for multitasking women! No time, no stress: put all your face masks all at once!
Trends: Dip Dye Hair (yay or nay?)
Dip dye hair? Probably (and unexpectedly) it’s one of the funnier hair trend seen around for a while; it’s youthful and cheerful but honestly, I didn’t imagine how long-lasting it could have ever be. Celebrities, singers (Katy Perry or the dollish and smiling Nicki Minaj for example) bloggers and vloggers have and are sporting this look, on the net inspirational hair pictures are countless and, thanks to the nice season, this dip dye trend is in the spotlight again. So, what’s that exactly? The dip dye involves just the tips of the hair but, unlike the ombre effect, the locks are dyed with vibrant or pastel colours. All the colours…
Latest Trends: White nails, yay or nay?
What's the latest trend about nails? The answer is fresh, just surf online and take a look at those celebrities flaunting their 'claws' in candid white!
Trends: Satchels
Probably you have seen them on the street, newspapers, blogs and fashion sites, satchels are everywhere. They are cute and handy, the perfect type of bags for the season, plus they come in a huge array to fit your style. From the classic and chic, British styled “The Cambridge Satchel Company” bags, to the Stella Rittwagen‘s fluos, passing through unique creations by emerging designers at Boticca, it’s very easy to fall in love with one of those bags, but what would say your wallet? Fluo satchelssource: google images (more sites show the same picture) “The Cambridge Satchel Company” The Rose 11” satchel from “The Pastel” limited collection As usual, here you have…
Trends & curiosity: Paper eyelashes
Sono sempre alla ricerca di qualcosa di speciale da mostrarvi direttamente dalla vasta industria della bellezza. Ho trovato un posto dove il design e l’innovazione si sono uniti alla bellezza per creare… ciglia finte di carta! Sembra strano, vero? Le ho trovate approdando su, una piattaforma londinese che aggrega designers da tutto il mondo, per riscoprire un uso più responsabile, originale ed eco-friendly della carta. Paperself ha sul web una sua linea di prodotti cartacei che conta le paper eyelashes, il transformer table e lighting, un lampadario assemblabile e personalizzabile di cartone. Ovviamente, essendo una ragazza, quello che più mi ha impressionata sono le Paper eyelashes. Le ciglia finte…