Skincare & Skin Treatments,  Tested by me (reviews & swatches)

7th Heaven Self Heating Hot Vanilla Fudge Sauna masque – review

7th Heaven Self-heating Hot Vanilla Fudge Sauna masque… I’ve never tried or experienced anything so delicious and pleasant. It isn’t food but quite close!


It’s a sauna for your face and smells as delicious as a sticky pudding. 7th Heaven made it with its Self-heating hot vanilla fudge sauna masque and 0 calories.


7th Heaven Hot Vanilla Fudge Sauna masque: product and packaging

This is a face mask and ready-to-use treatment is contained in a colourful and fun baggie, it’s also a cruelty-free and vegan product. The label says this is a “self-heating Vanilla fudge sauna (that) opens and cleanses pores“, the brand adds “with reach Mediterranean clay, cleansing has never been so enjoyable… our hot vanilla fudge sauna isn’t for eating, instead, it gently warms open pores drawing out dirt and grime.



Oh really, but what’s inside? This Montagne Jeunesse mask has a very short and basic inci: propylene glicol, zeolite (a volcanic ash), kaolin (a natural clay), glycerin with botanical origin, illite or Mediterranean clay, cetyl hydroxyethylcellulose, parfum and vanilla planiflora fruit extract.


Texture and scent

The former Montagne Jeunesse/now 7th Heaven Hot Vanilla Fudge Sauna masque has a beige or light brown colour that can vary slightly over time and has a muddy, sticky consistency which could make application quite messy. Vanilla planiflora extract: try to imagine the scent and you’ll just come close to it. In fact, this anti-impurities face mask has a truly mouthwatering toffee pudding aroma with a hint of vanilla in it!


Despite this note of little or zero importance about messiness, this self-heating face mask works wonderfully and produces a feeling that relaxes your nerves. The first time I used it I dozed off because the warm sensation was really nice! It isn’t just relaxing, it leaves the skin deeply clean and very smooth. 7th Heaven suggests using this Hot Vanilla mask once a week.


How to use…

The mode of use is straightforward, as usual: just refresh your already cleansed face and neck with water and apply your face mask. Wait 10-15 minutes and rinse off with warm water.

7th Heaven Self Heating Hot Vanilla Fudge Sauna masque

effective (it actually opens the pores),
amazing and natural scent,
pleasant feeling,
it can be rationed for multiple applications,
it leaves the skin soft and clean.


The price for this little treat is ridiculous but varies depending on the store and country.
If you’re coming to Italy, you must know that 7th Heaven products can be purchased at OVS (fashion chain) and some supermarkets. Indeed, I bought this self-heating vanilla fudge sauna masque in Naples, at an OVS counter for 1.99€. Buying 7th Heaven in other countries can be easier: its products are widely distributed in North American and UK drugstores and supermarkets. There’s also the opportunity to find these face masks on Amazon, eBay or other e-beauty stores.
The 7th Heaven, former Montagne Jeunesse, Fudge Sauna isn’t always available, so you need some patience to get your hand on this goodness! A good substitute is the White Chocolate Fondue Masque… doesn’t it sound extra tasty?
Problematic skin? Montagne Jeunesse Green Tea peel-off masque, a detox face mask with ginger and green tea, might help you.
Anyway, I loved this hot vanilla sauna…


Valentina Chirico aka Valens

Valentina Chirico: a past as an archaeologist, a present as an editor between London and Bedfordshire. An expat born in Southern Italy from an expat family. She holds an MA in Egyptology from the University of Birmingham and contributed as a co-author and postgraduate ambassador to the UoB PG Recruitment Blog before fully embarking on online editing. Besides archaeology, beauty and arts, this alumna loves travelling and shares an uncommon sense of humour. Online since 2009 with and later with ItalianMemories, Valentina is a storyteller and wants to inspire you a good laugh or to aim higher, for the stars.

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