Bath & Body Care

#VivaLushMamma: Lush Cosmetics blogger event in Naples, Mother’s day limited edition bath products presentation

Spring has sprung right for Mother’s day at Lush shop in Naples with loads of scented and hydrating bath products: these in particular has been the protagonists and one of the topic covered during the latest Lush press event.

Close your eyes and imagine a huge flowery lawn, vitamin colors and intoxicating scents borrowed from Mother Nature’s creations; cut off seasonal allergies and add some bubbly cuddles … you’ll get Lush Cosmetics 2016 Mother’s day limited edition.
During the Neapolitan event, two fun friends were proudly displayed on a wooden table: a bunch of giant ladybugs and big tea bags, along with pyramids of ecologically wrapped gifts dedicated to every single mom. 
The secret room in via Stendhal, Lush “party room”, was crowded of young girls who, among a glass of sparkly wine, cheers and live demonstrations, attended a real wonderworld! 

How to make your mom feel like a queen? Lush has the answer, and these photos are just a little taste!

What to bring with you for the upcoming holidays without weighing down your suitcase, while saving space and avoiding annoying issues at customs?
Lush eliminated water and plastic packaging with its “naked and raw products”! 
A brilliant, practical and eco concept which simplifies globetrotters’ life and seriously takes into account the environment.

The Neapolitan team, which is always cheerful, polite and jolly, presented the new limited editions and shown how to use Lush famous solid toothpastes, the Toothy Tabs, and its new solid hair treatments, two of the most interesting travel products ideated and handcrafted by Lush. We celebrated with champagne, juices and fruit skewers; greeted the spring with many bucolic hairstyles created by Martina and also Elisa, Lush Italia’s PR, had her boho-sweet hairstyle done; we smelled; tested; spread and played with the products and chit chatted. 

#VivaLushMamma full of joy and new meeting because spring brings always good news! 
A great day that ended with a souvenir photos, videos, and the glances of many curious passers. 

Where are you both coming from, where have your hair been done?”, asked me and Francesca, straight out of the civic #145, a sprigthly lady, an aspiring poet. 
A trail of perfume accompanied each up of us to our homes along with Ladybug and Sunrise, many good memories and a great project: meet us again pretty soon at Lush or elsewhere in Naples!

In the second part of #VivaLushMamma article: all you need to know and you wanted to ask about Lush mother’s day bath and body products.
You can check Lush Mother’s day bath and body products on line and in Lush shops!

Valentina Chirico aka Valens

Valentina Chirico: a past as an archaeologist, a present as an editor between London and Bedfordshire. An expat born in Southern Italy from an expat family. She holds an MA in Egyptology from the University of Birmingham and contributed as a co-author and postgraduate ambassador to the UoB PG Recruitment Blog before fully embarking on online editing. Besides archaeology, beauty and arts, this alumna loves travelling and shares an uncommon sense of humour. Online since 2009 with and later with ItalianMemories, Valentina is a storyteller and wants to inspire you a good laugh or to aim higher, for the stars.

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