Egyptians developed their own 100% natural remedies to stop hair loss or promote it! Here's an ancient recipe for your worst enemy...
Nioxin 3-Part System kit No3, hair loss and fortifying treatment for coloured hair – review
If you have coloured hair, here comes the trouble: all your hair care must be 100% 'colour safe'. I tried Nioxin 3-Part System No3 kit for my coloured hair...
How to get frizz-free bouncy curls. My easy wrap trick.
My support to you, curly goddesses, with my proved trick for naturally soft, bouncycurls! How to frizz-free?
Nioxin 3D Intensive Diaboost Hair Thickening Xtrafusion Treatment – review with Before&After
Hair can show evident signs of environmental and personal stress! But Nioxin comes to rescue with its 3D Intensive Diaboost Hair Thickening Xtrafusion leave-in Treatment...
Amazonliss Açai + Cacau smoothing treatment – review
Amazonliss Açai + Cacau smoothing treatment gets you jungle-proof straight hair, does it?