It’s colourful, easy to prepare and super healthy: it’s the beetroot salad! I often add beetroot to my diet because it has many good properties. It helps digestion, lowers cholesterol, it’s rich in minerals (magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and calcium) and it’s good in case of anaemia thanks to its iron and anthocyanins content. Maybe beets aren’t everyone’s cup of tea but they can be quite tasty and easy to serve with this fuchsia beetroot salad. Ingredients you need for this beetroot salad This “fuchsia salad” is ready in just 5 minutes and only needs: half red or a “delicate” onion a pack of pre-steamed beetroots 1 tablespoon…
How to: Guacamole!
Are you hungry? The answer is guacamole, a perfect dish for a quick snack or a colourful hors- d’oeuvre. Maybe the colour isn’t so inviting, but the taste is excellent. Here’s what I used and how I prepared it: – half an avocado, – tomato pulp (I used a couples of teaspoons of tomatoes sauce I’ve done before), – garlic powder (or half mashed and cut to pieces garlic), – olive oil, – half lemon juice, – salt, – black pepper, – chilli powder. I cut the avocado in half, paying attention to the seed, and I crushed a half with a fork in a bowl. I added olive oil,…
How to: colourful summer salads (Tempo d’insalate)
Ciao ragazze!!! Questo è un pò che ho mostrato nel mia pagina Luuux e, visto la calura di questi giorni, ho pensato bene di riproporvela.Fa caldo fuori e dentro casa e non mi va di cucinare adesso… è il momento delle insalate! Questa è completa, è così colorata da mettere allegria solo a guradarla ed è molto saporita!Per questa insalata ho usato:– 10 foglie di lattuga a foglia lunga,– 6 pomodorini ciliegina,– 1 piccola scatoletta di tonno (all’olio d’oliva o al naturale, secondo i vostri gusti),– 1 piccola scatola di mais precotto al vapore,– 1 cucchiaio di olio extra vergine d’oliva,– mezza cipolla rossa,– sale,– succo di limone ed erba…